Wednesday 30 December 2015

Author's opinion

                             Why discover something new?

                I was thinking about my future sitting on my sofa. I was confused. I had two options: Software engineering and Biologist. I have interest in both the occupations. Soon, as always, I was lost in thoughts. One thought led to another and finally, I ended up in this: I have read stories that God didn't intend to impart knowledge to Adam and Eve. That's what I heard. So, if he didn't intend to impart knowledge to humans, we should we discover more and more? Whenever we find a new species, it becomes prone to danger in some way. All these natural disasters and calamities are caused by humans. We don't create anything, we change the form of something and make something new. So, it is all discovery not creation. Gravity existed before humans, but Sir Isaac Newton discovered it.
The ozone layer gets depleted because of human activity. So, if it is dangerous to us, why discover something new?

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